I’m Going to YallWest!! | Chat with JBelkBooks


Random Fact of the Day: Dalmatians are completely white at birth.

Gaaahhh, I am so excited that I can barely type this post!  Hello friends and Happy Saturday! Today I am here to inform you guys that I will be attending YallWest 2016!!!

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So I know what some of you guys may be thinking.. “What is this ‘YallWest’???” Well, here’s a quick summary of sorts:

YallWest is an event happening all in three days that celebrates “& empowers our tribe of readers, writers & creators. To give back to our community, win prizes, get books signed, and eat In-n-Out.”

This 2016 YallWest is in Santa Monica, California, which is not TOO far from where I live, taking place from April 30th – May 1st. April 30th is the preview event, and the next two days are when the fun REALLY begins. “Over 113 authors including New York Times Bestsellers along with local and acclaimed young adult and middle grade writers, plus notable Hollywood directors and creators…2 days of panels, book signings, food trucks, bad jokes, rock ‘n’ roll, killer photo ops & general geeky debauchery.”

NOTE: There will be other guests besides authors such as Jenny Han, Ransom Riggs, and Rainbow Rowell. There will be a few booktubers, along with people from animation, games, film/television, & story makers! So there is something for everyone!

Some events do cost money, but otherwise the rest of YallWest is completely free. I would definitely consider checking out their line-up and individual events on their site if you are interested!

I am extremely grateful that my mother finally agreed that we should go to this event because it is probably one of the only bookish events that happen in my area that I know of this year. I have to read a ton of novels before the event, but overall I am very, very jubilant that I have something to look forward to at the end of this month!!

I know a few bloggers that are going/planning to go, such as the one and only Lashaan & Trang @ Bookidote, so I am obviously twice as excited as I was before. I actually just recently found out they were attending, and it made me SO happy because they are such awesome people! If YOU are going to YallWest or know someone who is, definitely let me know for I would love to meet you guys! ❤

I will be attending for all three days, so that’ll be awesome. I don’t know what novels I am officially going to bring with me, but I’ll figure it out sometime next week. Like I said, I have about 8 novels that I have to read before the event, but other than that my heart is going to be racing every time I think about it!


Are you going to YallWest? Have you heard of this event? Any advice for a first-timer?? Chat with me in the comments because I definitely wanna know who’s going along with me! 😀

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time…




Filed under Discussion

19 responses to “I’m Going to YallWest!! | Chat with JBelkBooks

  1. Ughhhh, I hate living in New Zealand at times like this! Looking at that line up I am SO JEALOUS. You’re going to have such an amazing time 😀 Make sure to blog about it when you get back!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m sooooo excited for you!! And you’re going to be there for all three days? That’s incredible. You’re going to have so much fun. I sure hope you get a chance to check in on your blog about this event–I want to know all the happy details!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re sooo lucky !
    I despise living in morocco in circumstances like this one because we never EVER have events like that ugh!
    Other than that, enjoy ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. YES YES YES I’M SOO EXCITED 😀 We are not going to be there for the Friday preview night but starting on the weekend oh hell yeahh!! 🙂 We need to plan this. We should definitely exchange contacts ! Should I just message you via twitter ? :O – Trang

    Liked by 1 person

    • Traaaanngggg, you are making me SO EXCITED ALL OVER AGAIN!!! My heart is literally pumping twice as fast just from reading your comment, lol. But anyways, yeah!!! Twitter is just fine, if that works for you 😀 Let the planning begin… 😉

      -Jess @jbelkbooks


      • JESSS ❤ HAHA yess same here 😀 Supposely they'll release the schedul tomorrow!! I'm going to message you via twitter when it came out and we can start narrow down what authors we want to wait, which books to bring ,etc. XD -Trang

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hahah okay, sounds good!! 😊 Can’t wait for the schedule! 😁

    -Jess @jbelkbooks


  6. Melanie @BooksAreMyChildren

    I’ve heard so much about this event. I really wish I could go and see all of the authors except I live in Kansas and I have school (sad face). I hope you have fun there (and get extra books for me (jk)). Also your blog is really pretty, I love the background :D.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fortunately, I don’t have school the day the event starts, which is probably the main reason I am making sure to go (I rarely skip school for things like this). However I am sure there might be more opportunities for you to attend an event such as YALLWest — I am hoping for you!! 🙂

      Thanks so much for the wishes & for the kind words! I really, REALLY appreciate it! ❤

      -Jess @jbelkbooks

      Liked by 1 person

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