Feature with Followers | #19


Random Fact of the Day: For every human on Earth there are 1.6 million ants.

Hello and Happy Sunday (sort of)! Before I go off to read for the evening, I couldn’t forget to post my Feature with Followers. Feature with Followers is a weekly meme created by JBelkBooks (me) where I will be showcasing one of my AMAZING followers. This gives me an opportunity to really get to know them and give them an opportunity to get their blogs out there in the community. The way I choose my featured follower is Top Secret, so wait for your chance to be featured!

Dun, dun, duuuuunnn! Who is our mystery blogger this week?

  • She features Book Looks on her blog, which I think is so cool!
  • She recently reviewed My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick.
  • She’s going to Japan! (or by this time, is in Japan, lol)



Regina @ She Latitude!!

ABOUT REG: Currently stationed in Australia, Reg wears many, many hats. She is a reader, a blogger, freelance writer and editor, occasional gamer, seasonal baker, a tea drinker, and a host of other things she’s still discovering.

<——Ahhhh, so cute!!! (Reg & the owl, lol)

Q & A time!!


ME: When did your blogging journey begin and why did you decide to start? 

REG: I started She Latitude in September 2015 mostly because I was about to graduate from uni and desperately needed a project with which to fill in my free time. Originally it was meant to be a fashion blog because clothes are my other big love, but somewhere along the way, I decided that I don’t want to be taking pictures of what I wear every day, so books it is! 

ME: What’s the last meal/snack that you absolutely adored? (Sorry, I’m kind of hungry, lol)

REG: God. I love snacking and I snack pretty much all the time, so it’s impossible to choose just one! Anything matcha, cheese or chocolate-flavoured is usually great for me, although I tend to go more for savoury snacks than sweet snacks. Arnott’s Cheddar Shapes is one of my favourite things ever.  

[Hahah, I love snacking, too!! I snack way too much sometimes, I barely eat REAL meals! I’ve never heard of Arnott’s, but they do sound delicious! 😛 ]

ME: Besides reading and blogging, what else do you do with your spare time? 

REG: I reddit way, way too much than I should. I also watch TV — right now I’m totally obsessed with this trashy Australian cooking competition called My Kitchen Rules. Sunday to Wednesday nights usually find me in front of the TV, eating my dinner and cheering for my favourite contestants. 😛 

ME: You win a million dollars, but you have to give half to a charity. Which charity do you pick, and what do you do with the rest of the money?

REG: Charity-wise, I’ll be going with headspace, an Australian mental health foundation for 12-25 year olds. Coming from a country that very much lacks focus on mental health (Indonesia), it’s been amazing to know that there are free professional resources out there for those who need it.

As for the rest of the money, likely investments — I’d like to eventually settle down one day but not now, so all I can do now is try to ensure when I do want to settle down (buy a house, etc.), I have the means to do so. I’d also buy my loved ones some nice presents and take them out to dinner. 🙂

[I haven’t heard of Headspace, but maybe that’s just because it’s Australian based? However the foundation sounds beautiful! I’d definitely buy something nice for the ones I love as well…(along with maybe some books..?)]

ME: Since it is the 4th month of the year, what are four aspects about your life that you enjoy today?

REG: What a great question! Always good to think about the things that are going well in life. 😛

  • I don’t have any (known) allergies, and get sick very, very rarely! It’s one of the things that I definitely take for granted and really shouldn’t have.
  • My job is the right blend of comfort and challenge. Occasionally it’s more the former than the latter, but this is where this blog comes in.
  • Speaking of which, I enjoy my blog a lot. It’s given me a bit of structure and direction, something to work on that’s not just consuming media (which is something I tend to do a lot of).
  • The people in my life are honestly really, really wonderful people—I am just so lucky. ❤

[Ah, that’s awesome to have such an enjoyable profession! However I have allergies that usually come out during the Spring, so you are very lucky! xD I am glad you are proud of your blog, because you definitely should be! It is simple yet mesmerizing, so I congratulate you!]

Friends!! Don’t forget to go by Regina’s blog and say hello and tell her all about how awesome her blog is! Like I mentioned, her blog is simple but it’s so organized and comforting. I love her Book Looks, too — very unique, especially her recent post of Truthwitch by Susan Dennard. I enjoy interacting with Reg in the comments especially, just because she always has something thoughtful to say, so thank you Reg!

You can follow Regina on all the social media listed below, in case you REALLY can’t get enough 😉 :



Thank you again to Regina for taking the time to chat with me and sharing yourself with the blogging community. You and your blog are amazing, and I hope one day you do get that million dollars!! 😉
Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time…




Filed under Feature with Followers

14 responses to “Feature with Followers | #19

  1. Great post! I loved the unique questions and getting to know a bit more about Reg. Wonderful job, ladies! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great questions!

    I admit I still don’t really understand reddit….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ohh great post, I love Reg’s blog and I loved getting to know her better with these questions. Thank you so much for this, this feature is so great, I love it ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks so much for featuring me, it was an honour for sure! And I’m glad to hear that you’ve enjoyed talking to me – I certainly enjoy talking to you too, so here’s hoping we get to do more of that in the future! ❤️

    And yup, I’m in Japan right now! Great memory. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Bi-Weekly Wrap-Up | April | ---Blogging Everything Beautiful---

  6. Pingback: April Wrap-Up || May TBR (2016) – She Latitude

  7. Pingback: Already 5 months into 2016??? | April Wrap-Up! | ---Blogging Everything Beautiful---

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