Siblinghood of The World Bloggers Award! | Round 2

Hello my friends and welcome to another blog award! I’ve actually been nominated by a ton of awesome bloggers this month for awards & tags, but don’t me wrong, I am still EXTREMELY honored to be thought of. So with that being said, THANK YOU Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Blog!! You are amazing & you guys should definitely check out her blog!

“The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog
  2. Put the award logo on your blog.
  3. Answer the 10 questions sent to you.
  4. Make up 10 new questions for your nominees to answer.
  5. Nominate 10 blogs.”

Q & A:

1.) What’s your favorite book genre? Fantasy? Horror? Comedy? Science Fiction?

I actually don’t have one single favorite genre. However here are a few: Contemporary, Thriller, Dystopian, etc.

2.) What’s your most favorite book or books?

Here are a few: Looking for Alaska by John Green, Stolen by Lucy Christopher, Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks, etc.

3.) What’s your least favorite book or books?

One of my recent DNFs was a novel I didn’t really enjoy which was The Dinner by Herman Koch. That’s the only one I can think of at the moment, lol.

4.) What was the scariest book you’ve read?

I don’t think I’ve ever read a legitimate scary novel, but if you recommend any definitely let me know!

5.) What book do you want to see as a movie?

Any of Nicholas Spark’s novels, lol.

6.) What was the worst movie adaptation of your favorite book?

Ummm I don’t have one… xD

7.) What movies are you looking forward to in 2016?

Any of the Marvel movies (i.e. Civil War, Deadpool, etc.), Finding Dory, Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, Moana, and many others!

8.) What TV shows are you looking forward to in 2016?

The continuation of Grey’s Anatomy, Criminal Minds, etc.

9.) What job do you wish you were working at?

The biggest bookstore ever, haha. Or really, any book store.

10.) Where is your favorite place to read?

Of course, my wonderful & cozy bed. And sometimes on my living room couch if I’m not feeling my room…


  1. Anna @ My Bookish Dream
  2. Anette @ Anetted Reads
  3. Rebeca @ Books and Messy Buns
  4. Jane @ Greenish Bookshelf
  5. @ The Bibliothèque
  6. Aimee @ That Disney One
  7. Alicia @ Caffeine and Books
  8. T.K. Lawrence @ Read It or Not Reviews
  9. Ace @ All ‘Bout Them Books and Stuff
  10. Samantha @ Dream by Day

Please feel free to ignore if you simply aren’t interested or you’ve already completed this award. However, you ARE an amazing blogger! If you do decide to accept, below are the questions for you to answer:

  1. Would you rather read a novel with a heartbreaking ending or a cliffhanger ending?
  2. How’s your 2016 going? (wonderful, horrible [I hope not], etc.)
  3. I like food. So what’s one of your favorite meals?
  4. Coffee or tea?
  5. What are a few of your go-to book stores (online or in-store)?
  6. Do you have a favorite classic? If not, give a random fact.
  7. What’s one place you would like to travel to in the future?
  8. What’s one thing about yourself that you love the most?
  9. What are 3 things that make you happy?
  10. What song is currently your favorite?

Feel free to link your completed posts in the comments because I would love to read your responses!

Thanks for reading & I’ll see you next time…



Filed under Awards

8 responses to “Siblinghood of The World Bloggers Award! | Round 2

  1. Haha. Let me marry my bed too and we can have a double date! 😂 Great post. Congratulation on the award!! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for the nomination!!! I really appreciate it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anna @MyBookishDream

    I am really looking forward to the Deadpool movie – it looks like it will be amazing! 😀 I also looove Criminal Minds! Thank you for nominating me. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much for nominating me! 😀 We actually share dream jobs, because who doesn’t want to work in a book store?

    Liked by 1 person

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