Daily Archives: January 27, 2016

Behind the Blog Tag!


Hey guys and welcome to yet another tag! I must admit, for this one I wasn’t tag. But I was browsing some new blogs and I came across Lila’s over @ The Bookkeeper’s Secrets and I saw this pretty cool looking tag so I decided to post it myself! It’s fairly short & simple, so if you want to do this yourself, I recommend you do! 🙂

But now onto the tag…

1. How many times do you check your email a day?

Well I have two emails connected to my phone; my gmail for my blog and my Yahoo account for other things. But since this is about my blog, I would say maybe 3-5 times a day, depending on if I am expecting an email or not.

2. How many times are you on Goodreads?

In general I am on Goodreads maybe 5-7 times a day. I get notifications whenever someone comments in a thread from a group that I am in, so I go on Goodreads a lot. But to update my reading status & just browse, I would say I go on 3-5 times a day.

3. How long does it take you to edit your posts?

It depends on the post. If it’s a tag like this, or awards, it usually takes me a short amount time (maybe 30 minutes). For reviews, wrap-ups, and discussions it takes me around a day or two to be comfortable with my content. And then for memes and such those take me about 45 minutes. (I like to reread my posts continuously and even then I still have typos)

4. What kind of laptop do you use?

I’ve had this laptop for a long time and it’s still going strong — a HP Pavilion g6. One of my goals this year is to get my parents to buy me another one, lol.

5. How often do you check Twitter?

Literally every 15-20 minutes, lol. I have two Twitters — one personal & one blog related. I am trying to stop myself from getting distracted so easily by social media, but I feel obligated to check it so I don’t miss anything important or something. But yeah, that’s my issue.

6. Why do you use the blogging website you do?

It’s very easy to use & it fits all of my needs. The WordPress layout & platform is convenient & before I made my blog, I saw a lot of people using this website (and now I know why). Shout out to WordPress!! ❤

7. Are you good at keeping up with reviews, tags, etc?

Umm, I would say most of the time. Maybe not reviews so much because like I said before, it takes me a few days to express everything. But with tags I can sit down and type them in a giffy!

8. How many times a week do you post?

Since the new year has started I’ve posted almost everyday, but last year I only posted on an average maybe 3 times a week.

And that completes the Behind the Blog Tag!! I welcome anyone to complete it for I would love to see your responses! This tag was actually fun so I hope you consider posting it yourself! 🙂

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you time…



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