Daily Archives: January 26, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday [#16]

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Hello friends! Nothing new here because today is Tuesday! And as you probably already know, today is dedicated to Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week I will post a new Top Ten List (may not necessarily be 10). This list includes a variety of topics such as ‘my top ten favorite authors’ or ‘my top ten books of the month’. The topics will change, so make sure you stay tuned for each week!


This topic is seriously open for anyone to judge me. I do have some shame that I haven’t read anything from these authors, but I solemnly swear that I am up to no good  that some of these author’s works will be read eventually!! I do own some novels by the author, but I obviously haven’t read it yet…

  1. Rick Riordan
  2. J.K. Rowling
  3. Sarah J. Maas
  4. Rainbow Rowell
  5. Neil Gaiman
  6. Ransom Riggs
  7. Marissa Meyer
  8. Stephen King
  9. Jojo Moyes
  10. Cassandra Clare

There are actually a ton of other authors that I haven’t read content from, but these are the top ten that immediately came into mind, lol. I own novels by Ransom Riggs, Rainbow Rowell, & Jojo Moyes, so YES I will be getting to them soon enough! However for the other authors either A.) I’m not really interested in the genre/idea of their novels or B.) I just haven’t bought anything from them yet. So please forgive me if any of the authors listed are your favorites or just can’t believe I haven’t read a novel by the individual author!

If you absolutely think that I should read a book by any of the author’s listed, definitely let me know & I’ll take it into consideration! (If you are going to recommend Harry Potter to me, please don’t, lol. I get it, I haven’t read it. Maybe I will one day. Life goes on my friends!)

But anyways, that is ALL for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday. I wish you all a great rest of your day!

Thanks for reading & I’ll see you next time…





Filed under Top10T