Tag Archives: the infinity dreams award

Infinity Dreams Award! | Round 3

Random Fact of the Day: Almost every modern piano has 52 white keys and 36 black keys for a total of 88 keys.

It’s award time, yaaay! This is my third time being nominated for the Infinity Dreams Award, however I am still overly grateful that Lizzie @ Accio Padfoot thought of me, so thank you Lizzie!

Now let’s get on with the award…

The rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • State 11 facts about yourself
  • Answer the questions that you were set
  • Nominate 11 bloggers
  • Set 11 questions for them”


  1. I’m actually really short — about 5 ft. to be exact, lol.
  2. I am a sophomore in high school.
  3. I prefer coffee over tea.
  4. I have had the song ‘Stitches’ by Shawn Mendes in my head for about a week now.
  5. I don’t think dreamcatchers really work, but I love how they look in my room, lol.
  6. I love meeting new people but I’m a shy person.
  7. I don’t know how to ride a bicycle.
  8. My favorite ice cream is either Rocky Road or Mint Chocolate Chip.
  9. Pink isn’t my favorite color, but I own a lot of the pink shade.
  10. JBelkBooks recently reached 200 followers, so thank you all!
  11. Hoarding candles is my thing but I never want to actually use them…


What’s the strangest bookish habit you have?

I smell every book that I have…all the time…randomly. 🙂

If you could meet any villain who would it be and why?

I don’t know about this one — there are so many awesome villains! But the first that came to mind was The Joker, lol. Even though I think he is extremely creepy, I feel like without the makeup he’d be pretty decent!

Would you travel to your past or your future?

Definitely my past, no matter how ugly it can get. I don’t want to know what the future holds for me…I like surprises (sometimes).

What are some fictional character names you love?

I like the name ‘Kai Awana’ from XODUS by K.J McPike & ‘Arya Stark’ from A Game of Thrones — they both have a nice “ring”, lol.

Do you write notes while you are reading?

Not all the time, but if I want to remember something I’ll leave a little note on my phone.

Do you have any pet hates?

If you mean ‘pet peeves’, I actually have a ton — when people chew really loud, people poking me to get my attention, messy tables, etc.

A favourite hobby that’s not reading?

Painting!! Watercolor, Acrylic…really anything in that medium!

Who’s your biggest fictional crush?

Either Park from Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell, any male character from Nicholas Spark’s novels, or Silas from the Never, Never trilogy by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher ❤

What’s your favourite season and why?

It used to be spring, but since that’s allergy season, I am going to go with Winter. I love the cold and that’s when Christmas is sooo…

The best advice that was ever given to you?

“You can be a buffalo or you can be a butterfly” — my high school Algebra 2 & Pre-Calculus teacher

What is your favourite genre of music?

Either Pop or Acoustic.


  1. Fadwa @ Word Wonders
  2. Jorelene @ Page Chronicles
  3. Franciska @ Life is Sweet in Books
  4. Jordyn @ J.Bookish
  5. Sky @ Bookish Night

Please feel free to ignore this tag if you simply aren’t interested or you’ve completed this award already. However, if you do decide to post this award, I would love it if you could link back to this post so I can read your responses!

Here are your questions:

  1. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  2. What is your Zodiac Sign?
  3. What’s your current favorite song?
  4. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  5. How do you decide which novel you are going to read next?
  6. Have you ever considered changing your name? If so, to what?
  7. What is your ideal vacation?
  8. If there was one place that you absolutely want to travel to, where would it be?
  9. Have you been to a museum before? If not, do you want to go to one?
  10. Can you read while listening to music?
  11. Do you prefer watching movies or TV shows?

And that is all for this award! Thank you again to Lizzie for nominating me, I appreciate you!! I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your day/night! 🙂

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time…




Filed under Awards

Infinity Dreams Award! | #2

Hello & Happy Thursday! I was nominated again for the Infinity Dreams Award by the wonderful Eve @ Eve Messenger! So thank you Eve for thinking of me! 🙂


1. Thank and follow the blog that nominated you
2. Tell us 11 facts about yourself
3. Answer the questions that were set for you to answer
4.  Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them

11 Facts About Me:

  1. I am currently enrolled as a sophomore in high school.
  2. I live in sunny California. (not so sunny right now)
  3. I prefer standalones over series.
  4. I love each & every one of my followers (you guys are amaaazzzinngg)
  5. I have any obsession with the sky, buying books, eating ice cream, and a bunch of other things.
  6. I am currently learning to drive and I am extremely terrified (I suck at turning soooo badly!)
  7. I don’t have a lot of friends who enjoy reading, so this is where I kind of express the feels the most.
  8. I love tattoos.
  9. I am addicted to purchasing items online.
  10. Netflix is life when I am not blogging, reading, or drawing.
  11. Marvel over DC (sorry DC fans)

Q & A’s:

1.) If you had two weeks and unlimited funds, what would be your dream vacation?

Visiting every bookstore I could find & purchasing as many novels as I could. Haha, jkay, that’s the hoarder talking. Besides doing that, I’d probably just travel a bunch, lol.

2.) What was one of your favorite books as a child?

Hmmm..any of the Nancy Drew novels, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, or Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein.

3.) What was one of your favorite recent reads?

The Future of Us by Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler. I’ve had this novel for years & I was crazy to put it off for so long!

4.) What is your dream/life’s ambition?

Oh, I have so many! But I guess one is to definitely become confident with myself & what I can do in the future. I seriously have so many ambitions but this is the one that came into mind first..

5.) What three things would indicate you’ve achieved your dream?

My happiness, confidence, & mindset. Those are the three most important aspects of myself that I want to improve as I get older. And if those are right, then I have not achieved my dream.

6.) What is your favorite board/card/casino game?

I really enjoy playing UNO or Go-Fish with my family, even though sometimes it gets pretty competitive. And I think my favorite board game is either Monopoly or Candy Land.

7.) Would you prefer camping in nature or staying at fine hotel in the city?

Hmm, I actually don’t know. I like nature, but I’ve never been camping (partly because I am scared). On the other hand, I’ve been to so many hotels (maybe not “fine”). However I think I’ll go with a fine hotel in the city because I love cities!!

8.) If you could write like any author, who would it be and why?

Oooh, hard question. I can’t pick one, but if I could combine authors I would choose Colleen Hoover, John Green, Nicholas Sparks, and Jay Asher. I know they are kind of all different genres, but that’s the point! (Sorry, did I break the rules…?) They all have their specialities in their genre — one is humorous, or serious, or romantic, or adventurous…and I love all of those aspects in a novel!

9.) If you could visit any historical time period, which would you choose and why?

The Renaissance! I want to tell Da Vinci  that his works are amazing and appreciated! Oh, and also maybe the 1800’s when Van Gogh was alive, lol.

10.) Romance or Adventure?

I think I am going to go with Romance because I have a lot more Romance novels. But Adventure is also pretty awesome…

11.) What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Mint chocolate chip or rocky road!!

And now for the nominations! I am going to try and tag people that are new followers of mine — welcome, guys! 🙂


Please feel free to ignore if you simply aren’t interested or you’ve already completed this award. But, if you do decide to accept, below are the questions for you to answer:

  1. Would you rather read one book a year and remember everything or read 100 books a year and remember nothing?
  2. What is one of your favorite novels from your preferred genre?
  3. Do you eat or drink when you are reading? If so, what?
  4. Are you taking part in the Goodreads Reading Challenge? If so, what is your goal? If not, why? If you don’t even know what the GR Reading Challenge is, say something random, lol.
  5. Since it is the beginning of January, what is one resolution you have for the new year (book related, blog related, life related, etc.)?
  6. Mountains or Beaches?
  7. If there was a fire and you could only save one book, what book would that be and why?
  8. What do you do in your free time besides blog & read?
  9. What are five things that make you happy?
  10. Have you ever wanted to change your name? If so, to what?
  11. What song is currently your favorite?

Feel free to link your completed posts in the comments because I would love to read your responses!

Thanks for reading & I’ll see you next time…



Filed under Awards

The Infinity Dreams Award!

Hello, my loves! Long time, no post! But I am here today to thank Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Productions Blog for nominating me for the Infinity Dreams Award! Make sure you go on over to Ronyell’s blog — it is very unique!


1.Thank and follow the blog that nominated you.

2.Tell us 11 facts about yourself.

3.Answer the questions that were set for you to answer.

4.Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them.

 11 Facts About Me:

  1. I have an addiction with purchasing items online.
  2. I am currently enrolled in high school.
  3. I wish to travel when I graduate.
  4. I am interested in psychology, graphic design, and art therapy.
  5. I have lived in the state of California my entire life.
  6. I love, love, love dark chocolate.
  7. If I could sleep, eat ice cream & pizza, and read/blog all day, I would.
  8. I love my fellow followers & book bloggers.
  9. Goodreads is probably my second favorite social media site.
  10. I love tattoos.
  11. I am both happy & sad, and I still don’t understand how that could be.

Questions from Ronyell:

1.What are your favorite genres for books?

I enjoy Contemporary, Romance, YA, Thrillers, & Fantasy.

2. What book do you hate?

I do not currently hate any book that I have read so far. And I don’t think I ever will honestly.

3. What do you drink or eat while you read?

I like to snack on something like Goldfish or some type of gummies. And then for a beverage I usually prefer whatever I am in the mood for; smoothies, coffee, tea, water, etc.

4. What book do you love that is really underrated?

Hmm, I am not sure if this novel is considered “underrated”, but I don’t hear a lot of about it: Have A Nice Day by Julie Halpern.

5. What movies did you like better than the books?

I am actually not sure about this one because I don’t watch a lot of book to movie adaptations. And at the moment I really can’t think of any…

6. When did you start blogging?

I started blogging back in the 7th grade, I believe. But I never seriously began to commit to blogging until I started this blog, about three months ago.

7. What books would you like to see become a movie?

Oh, so many! I would actually love for all John Green’s and Nicholas Spark’s novels to become movies. But other than that, I think I would enjoy seeing Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher or Hate List by Jennifer Brown become a movie.

8. What’s your favorite current TV series?

The Walking Dead, Grey’s Anatomy, & Criminal Minds.

9. Have you ever been tagged for a book tag?

Yes, I have!

10. What movies are you looking forward to in 2016?

Captain America: Civil War, Suicide Squad, Deadpool, Finding Dory, Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass, Allegiant, The Choice, Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, etc.

11. Name one fact about yourself.

I love blogging ❤

And that is all for this award! Here are the nominees I will be tagging:

And those are all my nominees! As always, I apologize in advance if you’ve already been tagged! But if you haven’t your blog is A-MAZING and I would love to see your posts! So, feel free to comment your links below when you complete this award.

Here are your questions:

  1. If there was a fire and you could only save one book, what book would that be and why?
  2. What have you always wanted? Did you get it?
  3. Why did you start blogging?
  4. If you could wake up tomorrow in someone else’s body, who would you pick and what would you do?
  5. What are you craving right now?
  6. Marvel or DC? If neither, tell why.
  7. Are you a vegetarian? If not, have you ever considered being a vegetarian?
  8. Mountains or beaches?
  9. What are you currently reading? Do you enjoy it so far?
  10. Do you believe in ghosts?
  11. What is one favorite book from one your favorite genres?

Thank you so much for reading and I’ll see you next time…(btw, feels good to be blogging again) 🙂



Filed under Awards