Tag Archives: pegasus books

On My Shelf Tag!


Random Quote of the Day: “The ability to delude yourself may be an important survival tool.” – Jane Wagner

Hello sunshines! 🔆 Two days back to back? I’m on a roll!! Today’s tag is called ON MY SHELF and it was created by Iain Broome over on Booktube, so be sure to check out the original video if you are interested! This tag looked pretty fun so let’s get started!


EVERY BOOK ON YOUR SHELF HAS A STORY. The story can be how you came to own that book, how you found it for the first time, or how it made you feel while reading it.

To pick which novels to talk about, you can use a random number generator OR simply close your eyes and pick one! For this post, I am using RANDOM.ORG to pick which book number! You can do as many rounds as you like, but for today I’ll be completing FIVE rounds!! (:

BOOK #114

Image result for the dinner herman kochTHE DINNER BY HERMAN KOCH: This was a book sent to me for review via Blogging for Books and I ended up not enjoying it at all. I thought it had an interesting concept so I was generally excited to read it, but turns out it was really slow and dry and I couldn’t get into it, lol.



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