SFATW Part 2! | Chat with JBelkBooks

Random Fact of the Day: There are 92 known cases of nuclear bombs lost at sea.

Hello sunshines! A few weeks ago in mid-June I posted all about the Bay Area of California — the attractions, some facts, etc. That was loads of fun to type up & chat with you all, so if you missed that post you can check it out HERE. But if you weren’t aware, there was actually a SECOND & THIRD part to the SFATW project! Here’s a quick breakdown of Part Two & Three:

“One week after talking all about our hometowns, will come the time where you’ll be matched with your secret lover from abroad. Okay, just kidding. But once you’ve subscribed, I will put all your names in a jar and pick at random.

🕑 Then, on the 26th of June, I will send each of you participating in the souvenirs thing, by email, the name, blogging links and everything to whom you will send souvenirs. YAY!

Once you finally get your souvenirs, I’m inviting you to share it through social medias with the hashtag #SFATW , or talk about it on your blog as well (and let me know so I can see what you got!). In the end, I will probably write a recap for this project, and hope that this will bring you guys together and get to know each other a lot better.”

-Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books

Now I was actually paired up with a lovely author from Birmingham, Alabama by the name of Ichabod. He is actually an author & blogger, so if you haven’t checked out his blog yet feel free to HERE. He was such a delight to speak to & I really enjoyed receiving souvenirs and such from him! Here’s what Ichabod sent me:

I appreciated all the brochures & even the key chain (I always love collecting key chains). He asked me in advance if he could send me his novel just as an extra and of course I agreed to accepting it — it is even signed! Thank you so, so much again to Ichabod for all the amazing souvenirs; hopefully one day I’ll make it around to Alabama! 🙂

Overall this project was an absolute joyride — I got to read about other’s hometowns while also sharing about mine. While I did receive some awesome gifts from someone in the U.S., it was A LOT more fun to send something to Ichabod. If this project of Marie’s does continue on to next year or whenever, I would love to participate again. So, THANK YOU MARIE FOR THIS AWESOME POSSUM PROJECT!!!

Did you take part in the #SFATW feature? Have you sent feedback to Marie (if not, you should HERE!)? What do you think about the souvenirs? Chat with me in the comments below!! 🙂

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time…




Filed under Discussion

8 responses to “SFATW Part 2! | Chat with JBelkBooks

  1. AHHH Jess thank you so, so much for this post, and for sharing your experience with SFATW! I am so glad you’re happy with what you got, and that you loved the project! I hope to make this happen again, hopefully, if everyone’s up to it 🙂 THANK YOU so, so much for everything, your support and enthusiasm, and I LOVE YOU you are the best! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is sooooo fun to pick stuff to add to the box. I promised myself I’d stop but I still have a few ideas so…
    It’s so nice of Ichabod to send you his novel, too, lucky you 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Pingback: Bi-Weekly Wrap-Up | Jumbled July | ---Blogging Everything Beautiful---

  4. Pingback: On holidays, a kind of more real hiatus, #SFATW and ALL THE BOOKS | Drizzle & Hurricane Books

  5. Pingback: Souvenirs swapping between book bloggers with #SFATW | Drizzle & Hurricane Books

  6. Pingback: #SFATW | My Bay Area, CA Loves | ---Blogging Everything Beautiful---

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