This or That Book Tag!


Hey guys and Happy Sunday (just because I don’t have school tomorrow it’s happy, lol)! I saw this tag on Alyssa’s blog @alysaaisreading, so thank you Alyssa, haha. This tag seemed very fun so I decided to post it today!

Audio of physical book?

Physical book most definitely! But I am looking to invest into Audiobooks so if anyone has any app recs for iPhones (besides Audible) that would be appreciated!!

Paperback or Hardback?

Paperbacks! I like the floppiness and how easier they are to hold in comparison to hardback. Buuuut, I do like to buy hardbacks when I can..

Fiction or non-fiction?

Fiction because I hardly read non-fiction. Is that a pro or con?

Fantasy world or real life issues?

I don’t read a lot of Fantasy, so I am going to go with real-life just because I read mostly contemporary, romance, or something along those lines. However I have added some Fantasy to my TBR!

Harry Potter or Twilight?

I have read neither…so…

Borrow or buy?

Buyiingggg! (this is why I am broke & I am currently on a book-buying ban)

Monster reads or short & sweet?

Short & sweet like me 🙂 . But yeah, it really depends on my mood most of the time, but usually my novel choices are around 200-450 pages, although there are exceptions!

Starry eyed romance or full of action?

Again this is a mood thing. But since I read more romance than action, I would have to go with starry eyed romance. However, I do like a nice action/adventure once in a while.

Curl up in your snuggle or bathe in the sun?

Curl up in my snuggle!! I rarely read outside & I’m really not a summer person anyways. But being in my bed all nice & comfy is always the best way to go! ❤ [Me everyday]:

Coffee or tea?

Coffee, coffee, coffee. I looooove coffee.

And that is the end of this very wonderful & fun tag. I am not going to nominate/tag anyone simply because I wasn’t tagged myself. So if you are interested and you wanna put yourself up to the challenge, consider yourself TAGGED!

Thanks for reading & I’ll see you next time…



Filed under Tag

12 responses to “This or That Book Tag!

  1. I love all of those gifs, they’re fantastic 🙂 I can’t believe you haven’t read Harry Potter!!! But since you’re not a fantasy fan, I guess it makes sense

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We have a lot in common when it comes to books. I got all the same answers, except I’m a little more speculative/fantasy-leaning, and I’ve read two of the Harry Potter books. Still haven’t read Twilight and I higlu doubt I ever will.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, I personally like Scribd or OverDrive for both eBooks and audiobooks on iDevices. Though for OverDrive, you have to connect with a library and kinda depend on what books/audiobooks that the library has.
    Love all of the answers. ❤️ A comfy bed is definitely THE place to read. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: The This or That Book Tag! | The Bookkeeper's Secrets

  5. Hi! Love your answers and gif! So can I write a post where I say you tagged me??

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: This or That Book Tag | Part Two | -- Blogging Everything Beautiful --

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